22.12.2011 в 10:02
Пишет Tantalia:Любите Звездные войны? )) сделайте себе снежинок!
URL записи22.12.2011 в 04:00
Пишет ~Талисман~:кароче - вырезаем снежинки на тему ЗВ!!
With the holidays right around the corner we thought it would be fun to make some snowflakes. In our hunt we came across some Star Wars snowflakes created by a husband and wife.
URL записиDIY Star Wars Snowflakes
With the holidays right around the corner we thought it would be fun to make some snowflakes. In our hunt we came across some Star Wars snowflakes created by a husband and wife.
After making a few of these we began thinking about improving the design. The first idea we had was to impose the cutting stencil on the circle diagram to make it quicker to cut out. After that, we created a few designs of our own.
Thanks to the couple that spawned the idea! The Imperial logo in the center is what really makes the design.
If you like these, make sure to download one of our Star Wars ringtones. Receiving a text message with the sound of a light saber is a moment to behold.
- Click Diagram link to download the PDF
- Print the PDF
- Cut the circle out
- Fold the diagram. You can use the couple’s directions if you want. We found doing a accordion fold worked better for us.
- Cut the grey area out (you may need an Exacto knife for some of the designs)
- Unfold and hang!
From Andy Herrera Designs